
(英文)One Direction一世代-Perfect完美情人

加入 2015-12-04 07:07:53 | 長度: 3分44秒 | 類別: 歌曲
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[Verse1 - Louis]
I might never be a knight in shining armour 我可能不能當位穿著閃亮盔甲的騎士
I might never be the one who you take home to mother
And I might never be the one who brings you flowers 又或許不會是那個送妳花的人
But I can be the one, be the one tonight 但我可以破例 今晚為妳破例
[Pre-Chorus - Liam]
When I first saw you from across the room 當我從房門走出來 第一眼見到妳時
I could tell that you were curious, oh yeah 我能感覺得出來妳對我很好奇 oh yeah
Girl, I hope you're sure what you're looking for 女孩 我希望妳清楚知道妳要的是怎樣的人
Cause I'm not good at making promises 因為 我的專長不是掛保證
[Chorus - Harry]
But if you like causing troubles up in hotel rooms 但假如妳喜歡在飯店裡製造麻煩
And if you like having secret little rendez-vous 或是妳喜歡秘密私會的神秘感
If you like to do all the things you know we shouldn't do 如果妳喜歡做些違禁的事情
Baby, I'm perfect 寶貝 就是我了
Baby, I'm perfect for you 寶貝 我就是妳在找的人
And if you like midnight driving with the windows down
倘若妳喜歡半夜乘著車 用臉迎接風的洗禮
And if you like going places we can't even pronounce
還是妳喜歡去 連名字都說不出來的陌生地方
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about
如果妳喜歡做 想了很久而尚未做的事
Baby, you're perfect 寶貝 妳太棒了
Baby, you're perfect 寶貝 妳就是我在找的人
So, let's start right now! 那麼 還在等什麼呢?
[Verse2 - Niall]
I might never be the hands you've put your heart in 我可能不是妳心想依附的對象
Or the arms that hold you any time you want it 或是任何妳要想時 能抱著妳的那雙臂
But that don't mean that we can't live here in the moment
Cause I can be the one you love from time to time 因為我能成為那個妳愛的討厭鬼
[Pre-Chorus - Liam]
When I first saw you from across the room 當我從房門走出來 第一眼見到妳時
I could tell that you were curious, oh yeah 我能感覺得出來妳對我很好奇 oh yeah
Girl, I hope you're sure what you're looking for 女孩 我希望妳清楚知道妳要的是怎樣的人
Cause I'm not good at making promises 因為 我的專長不是掛保證
[Chorus - Harry]
But if you like causing troubles up in hotel rooms 但假如妳喜歡在飯店裡製造麻煩
And if you like having secret little rendez-vous 或是妳喜歡秘密私會的神秘感
If you like to do all the things you know we shouldn't do 如果妳喜歡做些違禁的事情
Baby, I'm perfect 寶貝 就是我了
Baby, I'm perfect for you 寶貝 我就是妳在找的人
And if you like midnight driving with the windows down
倘若妳喜歡半夜乘著車 用臉迎接風的洗禮
And if you like going places we can't even pronounce
還是妳喜歡去 連名字都說不出來的陌生地方
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about
如果妳喜歡做 想了很久而尚未做的事
Baby, you're perfect 寶貝 妳太棒了
Baby, you're perfect 寶貝 妳就是我在找的人
And if you like cameras flashing every time we go out, oh yeah
假如妳喜歡每次跟我出去 享受鎂燈光下的那快門感
And if you're looking for someone to write your break up songs about
Baby, I'm perfect 寶貝 就是我了
Baby, we're perfect 寶貝 我們太速配了
[Chorus - Harry]
But if you like causing troubles up in hotel rooms 但假如妳喜歡在飯店裡製造麻煩
And if you like having secret little rendez-vous 或是妳喜歡秘密私會的神秘感
If you like to do all the things you know we shouldn't do 如果妳喜歡做些違禁的事情
Baby, I'm perfect 寶貝 就是我了
Baby, I'm perfect for you 寶貝 我就是妳在找的人
And if you like midnight driving with the windows down
倘若妳喜歡半夜乘著車 用臉迎接風的洗禮
And if you like going places we can't even pronounce
還是妳喜歡去 連名字都說不出來的陌生地方
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about
如果妳喜歡做 想了很久而尚未做的事
Baby, you're perfect 寶貝 妳太棒了
Baby, you're perfect 寶貝 妳就是我在找的人
So, let's start right now! 那麼 還在等什麼呢
  一世代(英語:One Direction,簡稱1D)是一個英國、愛爾蘭男子音樂組合。2010年7月23日於歌唱比賽《X音素》(The X Factor)上組成出道。該團原有5名成員,但於2015年3月25日,團員Zayn Malik認為是時候退出1D為由,宣布退出1D。該團成員現有4位。其粉絲稱Directioner。
  2012年8月,在倫敦奧運閉幕式上1世代演唱代表作《What Makes You Beautiful》。出道至今打破許多YouTube、Vevo及iTunes的銷售、播放紀錄。
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