作曲:Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari / Daniel Mikael Wold /Marius Madden Njølstad
编曲:Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari / Daniel Mikael Wold /Marius Madden Njølstad
Oh Yeah~
Come on !!
huh !!!
赛跑 跳⾼ 那耳机早接通
⼀边⾼歌 ⼀边开⼯ ⼀边不修边幅
快向我报告 每个进度
Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa
泄气到跳舞 我最爱跳舞 带世界跳两步
就是万能吧 未算深奥
明明时常⼼底得⼀股热⼒ 未介意过我造型
为何全场⼈ 即刻 起⾝ 致敬
Cos I'm your boss
Baby tonight I do got ya dancing finally
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
回旋多几圈 松开那⼼情
Come and gid it, come and gid it, come and gid it, can't you see
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
来排出辛酸 修补那失灵
我最怕 你也怕 个脑会退化
坐够吗 坐够吗 对脚会氧化
Tap it up tap~ it up tap~ it up tap~ it up
有假也 懒请假
他跟她 她跟他 想开出烟花
储够吗 储够吗 要放肆爆炸
Gotta be crazy, listen up baby, put you off lazy, Stand up I'm your boss
解开袖⼝ 解开紧箍嘅颈喉钮同我跳8拍 不如⼤胆数到9 唔好怕丑 膊头扭⼀扭Um......... Come on
神经质的东⻄很多 统统都受我管
解⼀个闷 曲式拣哪款
为何全场⼈ 即刻 起⾝ 致敬
Cos I'm your boss
Baby tonight I do got ya dancing finally
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
回旋多几圈 松开那⼼情
Come and gid it, come and gid it, come and gid it, can't you see
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
来排出辛酸 修补那失灵
我最怕 你也怕 个脑会退化
坐够吗 坐够吗 对脚会氧化
Tap it up tap~ it up tap~ it up tap~ it up
有假也 懒请假
他跟她 她跟他 想开出烟花
储够吗 储够吗 要放肆爆炸
Gotta be crazy, listen up baby, put you off lazy, Stand up I'm your boss
Gotta move it on, cause we won't stop
气势⾄上 要尽快做到
⾼⾳可烧起熔炉 低⾳可卷起长袍
Not about the money All about the show
你我有汗 画⾯多好
台上激光 继续发梦继续游荡
能量ping pong 你望我望拍住流汗我法宝多过叮当 想将我体⼒清仓You kidding me?
Cos I'm your boss
Baby tonight I do got ya dancing finally
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
回旋多几圈 松开那⼼情
Come and gid it, come and gid it, come and gid it, can't you see
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
来排出辛酸 修补那失灵
我最怕 你也怕 个脑会退化
坐够吗 坐够吗 对脚会氧化
Tap it up tap~ it up tap~ it up tap~ it up
有假也 懒请假
他跟她 她跟他 想开出烟花
储够吗 储够吗 要放肆爆炸
Gotta be crazy, listen up baby, put you off lazy, Stand up I'm your boss
Oh Yeah~
Come on !!
huh !!!
賽跑 跳⾼ 那耳機早接通
⼀邊⾼歌 ⼀邊開⼯ ⼀邊不修邊幅
快向我報告 每個進度
Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa
洩氣到跳舞 我最愛跳舞 帶世界跳兩步
就是萬能吧 未算深奧
明明時常⼼底得⼀股熱⼒ 未介意過我造型
為何全場⼈ 即刻 起⾝ 致敬
Cos I'm your boss
Baby tonight I do got ya dancing finally
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
迴旋多幾圈 鬆開那⼼情
Come and gid it, come and gid it, come and gid it, can't you see
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
來排出辛酸 修補那失靈
我最怕 你也怕 個腦會退化
坐夠嗎 坐夠嗎 對腳會氧化
Tap it up tap~ it up tap~ it up tap~ it up
有假也 懶請假
他跟她 她跟他 想開出煙花
儲夠嗎 儲夠嗎 要放肆爆炸
Gotta be crazy, listen up baby, put you off lazy, Stand up I'm your boss
解開袖⼝ 解開緊箍嘅頸喉鈕同我跳8拍 不如⼤膽數到9 唔好怕醜 膊頭扭⼀扭Um......... Come on
神經質的東⻄很多 統統都受我管
解⼀個悶 曲式揀哪款
為何全場⼈ 即刻 起⾝ 致敬
Cos I'm your boss
Baby tonight I do got ya dancing finally
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
迴旋多幾圈 鬆開那⼼情
Come and gid it, come and gid it, come and gid it, can't you see
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
來排出辛酸 修補那失靈
我最怕 你也怕 個腦會退化
坐夠嗎 坐夠嗎 對腳會氧化
Tap it up tap~ it up tap~ it up tap~ it up
有假也 懶請假
他跟她 她跟他 想開出煙花
儲夠嗎 儲夠嗎 要放肆爆炸
Gotta be crazy, listen up baby, put you off lazy, Stand up I'm your boss
Gotta move it on, cause we won't stop
氣勢⾄上 要儘快做到
⾼⾳可燒起熔爐 低⾳可捲起長袍
Not about the money All about the show
你我有汗 畫⾯多好
台上激光 繼續發夢繼續遊蕩
能量ping pong 你望我望拍住流汗我法寶多過叮噹 想將我體⼒清倉You kidding me?
Cos I'm your boss
Baby tonight I do got ya dancing finally
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
迴旋多幾圈 鬆開那⼼情
Come and gid it, come and gid it, come and gid it, can't you see
Rum bum bum bum bum ba dum
來排出辛酸 修補那失靈
我最怕 你也怕 個腦會退化
坐夠嗎 坐夠嗎 對腳會氧化
Tap it up tap~ it up tap~ it up tap~ it up
有假也 懶請假
他跟她 她跟他 想開出煙花
儲夠嗎 儲夠嗎 要放肆爆炸
Gotta be crazy, listen up baby, put you off lazy, Stand up I'm your boss