5 月15日8時40分左右,從大佛寺大橋到北部新城到楊家坪,一個環形的霧狀圖像濕淋淋地在空中顯現。裡面群山連綿,蒼松翠柏,還有一座八面玲瓏的八角塔,活脫脫一幅中國水墨山水畫。大約過了18分鐘,隨著長江上的大霧和遠處的霧越來越大,那飄渺如「蓬萊仙境」的山水畫才慢慢消失了。
Zhou Xin
In the past few months mirages have appeared in many different areas of Mainland China. What are mirages all about? Most people commonly believe that mirages are simply phenomena caused by reflections from the atmosphere. This explanation, however, is far from being completely convincing. With the advancement of modern science, scientists have come to understand that the dimension human beings inhabit is not the only one in the universe. There exist other dimensions that man can&9t see, which have matter and life-forms in them. A mirage is a way in which other dimensions can manifest in our dimension. That is to say the existence of other dimensions can "accidentally" display themselves in this space in the form of mirages, allowing us to see them.
Two consecutive mirages appear in Penglai City, Shandong province.
At 10 AM on October 24th and 1 PM on October 25th, two consecutive mirages appeared on the surface of the sea just north of Penglai, Shandong province. The images of all the Changshan Islands except for the South and North Islands were distorted. Big and Small Black Hill Island, and Dazhu Island bent up at both ends, like green turtles swimming in the sea. A few illusory islands with constantly alternating shapes appeared on the sea between those big islands. Cheyou Island along with several others appeared as if they were round balls floating on water. The different islands looked as if they were covering nearly 100 miles of clear sea with each island manifesting in a unique way. It was very difficult to distinguish which island was real and which one was a mirage. The two mirages lasted for 70 and 150 minutes respectively.
An extremely unique site appeared in downtown Tianjin.
At 4:57 pm on July 17th, several buildings appeared to be floating above the horizon over southeast Tianjin city. T