徐瑋 - 今年夏天 summer time
小編 : 夏天到了,天氣一天天變熱,老人家說端午後才是真正夏天的開始,現在的天氣還是不穩定。
徐瑋表示其實很喜歡夏天,可以享受陽光,也可以去海邊游泳,把皮膚曬的黑一點 ! 小編分享一張徐瑋最新的度假照,是不是很有夏天的味道呢 !

Xu Wei - this summer time Kevin said that he really likes summer, he can enjoy the sun, or go to the beach to swim. Summer is coming and the weather is getting hotter. The old people say that the Dragon Boat Festival is the beginning of the summer. The weather is still unstable. kevin said that he really likes summer, he can enjoy the sun, he can also go to the beach to swim, and the skin is darker! I shares a photo of kevin’s latest vacation, is it a summer taste? &U356;&W207;&U356;&W200;&U356;&W218;&U356;&W207;&U356;&W200;&U356;&W218;