
Scars of Love(09冬季日劇"TRIANGLE"OST)

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scars of love - Cyua
作詞:mpi 作曲:澤野弘之

Close my eyes for real
Smile for all the people&9s shade
All brown leaves fly away into the wind
Die of mystery, secret tragedy
But I&9m watching from the hill
This suddenly thing

I bring some rosemary
Peaceful time was symphony
Even you were always shy to laugh
It&9s seemed like a quite life
I feel like a empty glass
All I know is for sure
You won&9t be coming back

※My scars of love
What you&9d done for me
All these memories of you
It&9s hard for me, somewhere you had gone
I belong to you※

Remember all your lies
Remember all your sympathy
Many clouds in front of me
Tough to face my life
I have to walk this street again
This is almost mentally crime on me


So many days, alwys to hide away
That is dead end in the vast
I&9m stuck on deep labyrinth with you
Don&9t call my name any more
hold my hand so long
Creature in my mind and
It never lets me go from you

關鍵字:  Scars   of   Love   TRIANGLE