在“中国民主”这首歌中,作者艾克索.罗斯 (Axl Rose) 敢于直指中共专制统治,大胆为法轮功鸣冤。歌中唱到:
“ 咋的,怕你不成?看看你自己的下场。咋啦,怕你不成?你就只会装狠儿。把他们逼急了, 有你好看!谁让人不幸生在中国? 别让我不高兴。我原本是被愚弄的良民,这是我醒悟后的眼神。法轮功打不还手,好欺负?谁怕谁呀?一个倒下,千万个站起来!想赶尽杀绝?别用你的铁拳指着我。搞明白,未来是谁的?时间站在我这一边……”。
It don&9t really matter, you&9re gonna leave these thing to somebody else. If they missionaries, Real time visionaries. Sitting in a Chinese stew, To view my disinfatuation. I know that I&9m a classic case. Watch my disenchanted face. Blame it on the Falun Gong. They&9ll seen the end and you can&9t hold on it. Cause it would take a lot more hate than you. To stop the fascination. Even with an iron fist. Our baby got to rule the nation. But all I got is precious time.