
Meant To Be - Arc North ft Krista Marina

加入 2021-07-12 20:14:40 | 長度: 3分25秒 | 類別: 歌曲
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I want you to show me我希望你能告訴我
How to get to know要怎樣去了解
Someone like you, someone like you去了解像你這樣的人, 像你這樣的人
I want you to know me我希望你能試著了解我
'Cause I know then you'll see因為我知道一旦你了解了我你就會發現
We can be true, we can be true我們的愛可以是對彼此最真誠的表現
I want you to see what I see in us我希望你也能看看我眼中的我們
Something so real, something so real多麼真實的一對, 多麼真誠的一對
I want you to see that this is a love我希望你能了解, 這就是所謂的愛
That we both feel, that we both feel那流淌在我們心中的感覺, 那流淌在我們心中的愛
And how will we ever know而我們又怎麼會知道
If the love will ever grow這愛情的幼苗究竟能不能順利茁壯
Without trying, without trying沒有努力過怎麼會知道, 沒有努力過怎麼會知道
And how will we ever see而我們又怎麼能知道
If we are meant to be我們究竟是不是命中注定的一對
It's terrifying, it's terrifying那個令人害怕的真相
That we are meant to be我們是天造地設的一對
We are, we are我們
That we are meant to be我們命中注定要在一起
We've both been there before當愛情來敲門時
When love shuts the door我們都曾在門前駐足
It's a losing game, it's a losing game那是一場註定失敗的遊戲, 一場註定失敗的賭局
But this time it's more但這次的狀況不一樣了
Than another love war不再只是一場愛情戰爭
This ain't the same, this ain't the same這次的結果不會相同
They say love heals all人們說愛情能治癒任何傷痛
It makes it all alright愛能讓一切變的美好
In time, in time那改變就發生在陷入情網的那一瞬間
My heart still feels the breaking我的心到現在依舊感覺缺了什麼
But you make my world so bright但你點亮了我的世界
It feels so right, it feels so right而那正是我想要的感覺
And how will we ever feel而我們又怎麼能知道
That what we got is real我們現在擁有的一切是不是真的
There's no denying, there's no denying但那是不容否認的事實, 不容否認的事實
And how will we ever see而我們又怎麼能知道
If we are meant to be我們究竟是不是命中注定的一對
It's terrifying, it's terrifying那令人害怕的真相
And how will we ever know而我們又怎麼會知道
If the love will ever grow這愛情的幼苗究竟能不能順利茁壯
Without trying, without trying沒有努力過怎麼會知道, 沒有努力過怎麼會知道
And how will we ever see而我們又怎麼能知道
If we are meant to be我們究竟是不是命中注定的一對
It's terrifying, it's terrifying那個令人害怕的真相
That we are meant to be我們是天造地設的一對
We are, we are我們
That we are meant to be我們命中注定要在一起

關鍵字:  Arc   North   ft   Krista   Marina