
Coldplay(酷玩樂團) 【Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall】

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Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall

I turn the music up, I got my records on
I shut the world outside until the lights come on
Maybe the streets alight, maybe the trees are gone
I feel my heart start beating to my favorite song
And all the kids they dance, all the kids dance all night
Until Monday morning feels another life
I turn the music up
I&9m on a roll this time
And heaven his in sight

I turn the music up, I got my records on
From underneath a rubble, I sing a rebel song
Don&9t want to see another generation drop
I&9d rather be in a coma than in a full stop
Maybe I&9m in the black, maybe I&9m on my knees
Maybe I&9m in the gap between the two trapezes
But my heart is beating and my pulses start
Cathedrals in my heart
And we saw oh this light I swear you, emerge blinking into
To tell me it&9s alright
As we soar walls, every siren is a symphony
And every tear&9s a waterfall
Is a waterfall, Oh
Is a waterfall, Oh,
Is a waterfall
Every tear is a waterfall
So you can hurt, hurt me bad
But I&9ll still raise the flag
It was a wa, wa, wa, wa, waterfall
A wa, wa, wa, wa, waterfall

Every tear
Every tear
Every teardrop is a waterfall
Every tear
Every tear
Every teardrop is a waterfall