
Walk On!

加入 2009-04-23 13:49:51 | 長度: 4分31秒 | 類別: 歌曲
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They put my wife into prison. They beat her up until she went insane.
It reminds me of the time way back then, of all the sorrows, and so much pain.
I can see Yellow River is turning to red. So many tortured and thousands are dead.

CHORUS: Some worn out shoes. That&9s all I own. And I&9ve been walking all night long.
China, what&9s gone wrong? Yeah I wonder what&9s gone wrong.

The road is long to Tianmen Square, but I don&9t mind I will make it there.
And tell the whole wide world our leader&9s wrong, in persecuting Falun Gong.
Well the Tai Shan Mountain, is shedding it&9s tears.
Seen so much violence for thousands of years.

CHORUS: Some worn out shoes...

Walk on, walk on. People, wake up from the illusion.
Walk on, walk on, walk on. Stop the persecution!

Read in Chinese:
As one body we have been walking thousands and thousands of miles. We have been walking
through the major cities in the world. We have been walking for our freedom and for our
human rights. We have been walking to Beijing and to Tianmen Square. We have stood up for
Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. For that we have been punished. But we will never give
up. We will keep on walking until the persecution is over. Stop the persecution!

Walk on, walk on. People, wake up from the illusion.
Walk on, walk on, walk on. Stop the persecution!


Music and lyrics by Anders Eriksson, completed autumn 2002

Pedro Blom – upright bass, Susanna Halden – violin, Jonas Brunsten – piano, Torbjörn Nordstrand – drums, percussion, Ting-Ting Jin – vocals, Nancy Li – voice, Anders Eriksson – vocals, accordion, Jenny Brandt – flute

Recorded and mixed by Michael Thorén, Studio Fabriken,Gothenburg, Sweden, Feb. 2003 Produced by Michael Thorén and Yellow Express


During my three trips to China (-96 to -99) I met many Chinese Falun Gong practitioners. Their pure minds and unselfish behaviour made a very strong impression on me. After the persecution of Falun Gong started I often wondered what happened to the friends that I’d met. Have they suffered from torture? Are they still alive? Why are such good people being persecuted? I just could not understand. A man I met on every trip to China was Lin Chengtao, a successful scientist in Beijing. He has now been mentally disabled as a result of intense torture in Tuanhe Labour Camp, Beijing. This case is however only one of many.

Why this persecution? It’s all because of one man’s jealousy. Jiang Zemin (sued for genocide in the USA) couldn’t stand the popularity of Falun Gong so he initiated this campaign in 1999. Many Chinese people were fooled by his Nazi-style propaganda about Falun Gong.

In the song ”Walk On!” I am trying to reach you and hope you will be able to understand the severity, urgency and extent of this persecution. It is aimed at 100 million people, but many more are affected! Falun Gong practitioners suffer mental and physical torture, brainwashing, and sexual abuse. They are disfigu

Read what members of garageband.com think of our music.Some people have misunderstood the lyrics of "Walk On!" because a few lines were badly pronounced. On the recording it sounds like: "Put my wife into prison, beat her up...", but actually it is: "THEY put my wife into prison, THEY beat her up...", referring to the Chinese policemen.