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new antiskid surfacing materials better than thermoplastic road marking paint

Added 2016-10-18 02:07:42 | Category: News & Current Events





new antiskid surfacing materials better than thermoplastic road marking paint

It is cold applied type system for road pavement making , better than machine applied thermoplastic road marking paint (thermoplastic road marking material ,road marking paint specification,thermoplastic road marking paint manufacturers,road marking paint price,thermoplastic road marking machine,thermoplastic road marking paint price,two component color antiskid road marking paint)

woking process
1)Remove oil, dust, rust staining and water.
Make sure the concrete slab is clean ,flat
(2)Mixing portion : A:B =3:1 by weight
After glue mixing by stirrer , pour out the mixed glue on the concrete slab .
Then use the scraper to make the glue flat
(3)strew the color sand aggregate on the surface of mixed glue , then make it flat .
[email protected]

Keywords:  thermoplastic   road   marking   paint
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