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railway ballast binder

Added 2016-01-02 08:53:23 | Category:





railway ballast binder ,[email protected]

a railway ballast binder, is a two-component polyurethane (PU) system developed for the reinforcement and stabilization of loose bulk ballast stones on railway tracks.

It sprayed on the ballast stones (to increase the rigidity of ballast track) enables a stiffness adjustment between the ballast track and the concrete slab track. This reduces the feeling of bumpiness for passengers and provides a buffer zone for the high speed train moving from the concrete slab track to the ballast track.

also helps to reinforce the ballast, reduce flying stones and dust, as well as prevent pulverization. In addition, the solution is weather-resistant and allows water to pass through with its porous structure.


Porous structure
This allows rainwater and other liquids and solvents to pass through for better drainage.
Stabilizing function
In fortifying track ballast, it binds the loose stones together, preventing them from flying and pulverization, which result in savings of maintenance cost.

Weather and chemical resistance

As a environmentally friendly solution for sustainability development, contains over 50% renewable raw materials.

Keywords:  railway   ballast   binder
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