【大紀元7月6日訊】(大紀元記者Natalia Rodriguez布宜諾斯艾利斯採訪報導)7月5日美國神韻巡迴藝術團在阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯的最後一場(第十場)演出圓滿落下了帷幕,為神韻此次布宜諾斯艾利斯之行畫上了完美的句號。
視覺藝術家湯瑪斯‧納麥尼克(Thomas Neumanek)有幸觀看了這場演出。他是一個頗有成就的藝術家,在聖伊西德羅(San Isidro)區的幾個地方都有他的個人作品。他以專業的眼光談道:「這場秀的視覺效果真是不同凡響,精緻得像是電影才能呈現出來的效果,但是觀眾卻可以在現場表演中看到。表演栩栩如生,服裝和舞蹈有條不紊的協調性,令人大開眼界。」「舞蹈的編排內容非凡,動作和服裝顏色令人嘆為觀止,他們呈現出如夢似幻的效果。他們一定做足了事前的嚴格準備和訓練。」
0013886: [short]20090706_BuenosAires10_NataliaRodriguez_Thomas Neumanek_Artista Plastico
ET: what is your name, what do you do?
TN: Thoma, Thomas Numanek and i am a visual artist.
ET: you show your work here?
TN: here around San Isidro area. several places there, an independent thing.
ET: what do you think of the show so far?
TN: well really the visual is incredible, its like weeing those thigs that one is accostumed to see in the movies ,but this times you are seeing it live. and its abit like being there, the costumes, and that discipline that they have is incredible.
ET: what else do you find in the dancers?
TN : their ... ... Their polyvalent (multipurpose) greatness that they have, becuase they act, and dance, there is also the music and the the rhythms that we see, they standout in it all, it really is very good.
ET: and like an artist, what do you think of the colors?
TN: the choreography , are great, the movements and colors,yes really, they amaze they are hallucinating , it really all very well prepared well taken care, of all of it.
ET: what do you think of the screen?
TN: the projections are great, the images very well achieved,with some classical chinese techniques, it really is very well made, it brings together all that mesh of arts from the visual to the audio ... everything.
ET: what emotions does it bring you so far?
TN: its like a journey.. i dont know where it has taken me, its great ...(laughs)
ET: well thank you.