

加入 2009-07-04 20:46:25 | 类别: 新闻纪实


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【大紀元7月5日訊】(大紀元記者Axel Bolgia布宜諾斯艾利斯採訪報導)2009年7月3日,神韻巡迴藝術團給阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯的觀眾帶來了第六場演出,Auditorio Belgrano劇場內,全場觀眾無不陶醉在神韻精彩絕倫的演出中。

國會議員布勞斯(Nelida Belouse)女士和女兒安娜(Ana),觀賞完節目後欣然接受了採訪。





圖片說明:國會議員布勞斯(Nelida Belouse)(女)和女兒安娜(Ana)在7月3日神韻晚會上(攝影:Axel Bolgia /大紀元)
The performance was wonderful and audience are very enthusiastic

Nélida Belouse. Disputada - Legal Defender=legislator=member of parliament and daughter Ana -at end of interview

-What do you think about the show?

-Extremely interesting and attractive. Really, to get to know the Chinese history through dances is something new, I don’t know very much about Chinese culture. And I find all the colors very attractive and the preparation of the dances is truly marvelous.

-What did you like the most?

There were two that I liked the most: the male dance with the chopsticks and the drums. You can really see a lot of energy there, a lot of skill, and in addition there is a very detailed preparation in terms of the movements and coordination, really marvelous.

-Why did the movement s and coordination stand out?

-Because I feel, from my perspective and my personal difficulties, it is something that really draws my attention because it is something very difficult. Probably those who sung also have beautiful voices but not knowing the language I can’t appreciate it very much other than the technique of their interpretation and the clarity of their voice, but in terms of the rest, the movements are really what attracted me the most as well as the colorfulness of their costumes.

-How did you feel?

Well, it moved me, but more than that produced, or they transmitted tranquility; it is not something aggressive; as much as the movements and sounds are important, it is not a show that shakes (direct translation from Spanish is “alters”) you up, but on the contrary, at least in my case, it calmed me a lot. What it transmits is interesting. Up to now it is very interesting and attractive

Ana Sol (daughter)
It is really a truly great idea to transmit the history of China by way of color and dances. Aside from the skill, it is like, one can see that because of their culture, it seems like all that skill and that love for their culture is expressed through the body and with the colors.

-What did you learn about the culture?

The theme of the family. Over there the family, that is something pretty well known, but I liked to see it. The program about the family, that is something deeply engrained, of respect.

-That especially touched you?

Yes, I liked it, the truth is I liked it because it may be more prominent in that culture but it is something you don’t see very much. That respect, to “be a good person”, those things, those are good.

关键字:  国会   议员   神韵   精致得   不同凡响
