
徐玮 2017全球票房排行出炉,《美女与野兽》《玩命关头8》《星际异攻队2》《神力女超人》《蜘蛛人》

加入 2017-11-03 02:19:59 | 类别: 新闻纪实


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  徐瑋 2017全球票房排行出爐,《美女與野獸》《玩命關頭8》《星際異攻隊2》《神力女超人》《蜘蛛人》  

看電影是現代人們平時最普遍的休閒娛樂,每週新片一部接一部推陳出新,今年你看了幾部好看的電影呢 ?



3《星際異攻隊2》 8.56億美元


2《玩命關頭8》 12.38億美元


1《美女與野獸》 12.59億美元


其他能進入top 10 名單的有《神力女超人》《蜘蛛人》《金牌特務2》。剛上片的《雷神索爾3》及即將上映的《正義聯盟》及《星際大戰8-最後的絕地武士》還要密切觀察。當然非A級商業爽片還是有很多好片,令我印象深刻的有《美國刺客》《玩命再劫》《海灘救難隊》等等。



國片今年乏善可陳沒有出現往年的3 4億強片,從春節擋開始就不斷被網友吐嘈難看,截至目前為止台灣最賣錢的國片是鬼怪片《紅衣小女孩2》1億及《吃吃的愛》8500萬。這兩片在片商鋪天蓋地的強勢宣傳下總匴是替國片保留了顏面,至於好不好看則見仁見智,資料顯示兩片台灣之外的地區反應平平,也沒打進大陸13億華人市場,票房與排片似乎說明了真相,其他國片就更別提海外市場了。其實台灣曾經出現過多部4億以上票房的國片《海角七號》《那些年》《我的少女時代》,4億等於是好萊塢級商業片的票房,國人碰到好看感人的國片還是會看國片。

比起曾大中過的片商,一億票房都沒打中過的片商比比皆是,平均的票房是3000萬左右,發行商跟戲院拆帳後大多是打平或賠錢 ! 也許當年的賣坐只是個偶然,大部份國內製片及導演不知道觀眾想看什麼電影才是最大的問題,不但抓不到台灣市場,也完全抓不住同語系的大陸13億市場,話說回來,台灣人都不看國片又憑什麼想大陸同胞進戲院看台製片,祝福國片可以拍出好看的電影,把觀眾拉回電影院看國片。  

2017 Global box office ranking released, "Beauty and the Beast" "Playground 8" "Star Trek 2" "Wonder Woman" "Spider-Man"

&U357;&V832; watching movies is the most common modern people's daily leisure and entertainment, weekly new film one after another innovation, this year you saw a few good movies it?

Which of these films grabbed the top 3 global movie box office in the first half of 2017? Come and see the results!


First half of the first three out of Lu

3 "Star Trek 2" 856 million US dollars

Continuation of the 2014 "Star Treasure Team" story, the film is full of 80 dance, humorous joyous elements, more generous release 5 Egg, although positive and negative evaluation, but the high degree of discussion box office ah!

2 "Fatal 8" $ 1.238 billion

"Fatal 8" is one of the few movies in the history of the world to break through the world's 1 billion box office movie, many brilliant pictures are real ammunition, rather than post-system effects, recreating a new milestone in life series, let alone. "Life 9" has started filming.

1 "beauty and the beast" 1.259 billion US dollars

Classic fairy tale remade into a movie, performed by the actress Emma Watson, high popularity brought a strong appeal, with a beautiful theme song, domineering won the world's highest box office record for the first half of 2017.

Other top 10 list can have "Wonder Woman" "Spider-Man" "Gold Spy 2". Just on the film "Thor 3" and the upcoming upcoming "Justice League" and "Star Wars 8 - the last Jedi Knight" should also be closely observed.

Non-Hollywood movies The best box office in Taiwan is Thai film "model students" "My daughter and I champion"

The best non-Hollywood movies at the box office in Taiwan are Thai film "model students" 150 million and India film "I and my champion daughter" 160 million. The Japanese film being released "solution worry grocery" good reputation can continue to be effective need to observe.

National film this year's lackluster did not appear in previous years, 340 million films, from the beginning of the Spring Festival block users continue to spit roar ugly, so far the most expensive national film in Taiwan is the ghost film "Little Red Riding Hood 2" 100 million and " Eat the love of "85 million, these two films in the film
SHOPS overwhelmingly publicity is always for the national film retains the face. Hope that the film can 


关键字:  徐玮   XU   WEI
