
黑暗堡垒-Whered You Go

加入 2009-08-31 08:20:06 | 长度: 3分53秒 | 类别: 歌曲
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She said Some days I feel like shit

她說 有些時候我覺得很糟

Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit

我想拋下一切 想變的正常一些

I don’t understand why you have to always be gone


I get along but the trips always feel so long

我可以承受 但我總覺得這個旅程十分漫長

And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone


Cause your voice always helps me when I feel so alone

因為你的聲音總是保護我 讓我免於孤單的侵襲

But I feel like an idiot, workin’ my day around the call

覺得我像個呆瓜 整天等你來電

But when I pick up I don’t have much to say

但我當我接起你的電話 卻不知該說些什麼

So, I want you to know it’s a little fucked up

我想讓你知道 事情很遭

That I’m stuck here waitin, at times debatin

我被困在這裡 常常思考著 該不該告訴你

Tellin’ you that I’ve had it with you and your career

我是一路跟著你 打拼你的事業

Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where’d you go?"

我和所有家人 一起唱著不見你的蹤影

Where’d you go I miss you so Seems like it’s been forever that you’
ve been gone

不見你的蹤影 我好想念你 好像你已經離開了好幾個世紀

Where’d you go I miss you so Seems like it’s been forever that you’
ve been gone

不見你的蹤影 我好想念你 好像你已經離開了好幾個世紀

Please come back home...


You know the place where you used to live,你還記得你成長的地方嗎

Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,used to have a little party every
Hallowe’en with candy by the pile

曾經一起開心吃烤肉 曾經一起大把大把糖果 歡度每個萬聖節

But now, you only stop by every once in a while


I find myself just fillin’ my time,Anything to keep the thought of you
from my mind,I’m doin’ fine, I plan to keep it that way,

為了不要想你 我讓自己保持忙碌 我沒事的我也會一直這樣下去

You can call me if you find you have somethin’ to say

如果你想對我說話 可以打電話給我

And I’ll tell you, I want you to know it’s a little fucked up

我想讓你知道 情況有點糟我

That I’m stuck here waitin’, at times debatin


Tellin’ you that I’ve had it with you and your career

有時我想告訴你 我受夠了你的一切

Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where’d you go?"

我和我的家人 唱著不見你的蹤影

I want you to know it’s a little fucked up

我想讓你知道 我有點搞砸了

That I’m stuck here waitin’, no longer debatin

我被困在這裡 不想枯坐等待

Tired of sittin’ and hatin’ and makin’ these excuses

不需懷疑 不想編織任何藉口

For while you’re not around, and feeling so useless

你為何不在我身邊 讓我覺得無助

It seems one thing has been true all along


You don’t really know what you got ’til it’s gone

你從不知道你擁有什麼 直到你失去之後

I guess I’ve had it with you and your career

我想告訴你 我受夠了 你的一切

When you come back I won’t be here and you’ll can sing it


关键字:  联合公园   西洋音乐