廣東 >> 湛江市 >> 曾秀梅
曾秀梅遭受迫害後照片 高精度圖片
日期2008年4月9日 X線醫師簽名:×××
那些所謂的幫教還天天到在醫院裏對曾秀梅說大法不好, 叫曾秀梅不要煉。曾秀梅不理睬它們。他們一天24小時輪班站在門口監守住。
迫害前,曾秀梅的體重是80多斤,現在只有40多斤的體重。一個好人,在家裏做家務,中共花了多少人力物力來非法抓捕迫害法輪功學員,就單曾秀梅被非法關押兩個月來說,被毆打了兩個多月造成的創傷,損失了國家的醫療費高達26800多元。中共邪黨集團,任意揮霍國家的金錢。多少人失業,多少人無家可歸。一切罪惡歸根到底都是中國共產黨邪惡機構的。On March 13, 2008, 610 Office personnel in Mazhang District, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, took Ms. Zeng Xiumei to a brainwashing center in Chikan District, Zhanjiang City. They also took her young son, traumatizing him mentally and physically. Ms. Zeng was sent to the Hainan Province General Bureau Forced Labor Camp, where she was beaten and force-fed. She was beaten black and purple, and one of her lungs was badly damaged. On April 30, Zeng Xiumei, who by then was just skin and bones, was released. The police dropped her off at the curb and quickly left.
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Zeng Xiumei after being persecuted High Resolution Picture
Zeng Xiumei after being persecuted
CCP personnel detained Zeng Xiumei and her son and tried to forced her to give up her belief in Dafa and Master. Zeng Xiumei refused to cooperate. When they saw they could not "transform" her, they transferred her to the Hainan Province General Bureau Forced Labor Camp. Her son was released and her husband took him home.
CCP personnel instructed "teaching assistants" to bombard Falun Gong practitioners with a teaching called "The Sutra of Ti-tsang Bodhisattva" and to read it to them every day. The assistants quoted out of context to suit their purposes and twisted Dafa principles, attacked Dafa, and pressured Zeng Xiumei to give in. Because she did not yield to them, they hit her on her head, eyes, face, and chest every day with Dafa books, and fiercely kicked her legs. She was beaten until she was black all over. They feared her blackened wounds would attract attention, so they stated that she had bad blood circulation.
Ms. Zeng went on a hunger strike for about 10 days and was force-fed. Her lungs were damaged in the process, and she had a fever as high as 42 degrees centigrade. On April