

加入 2009-06-21 15:49:20 | 类别: 社会生活










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廣東 >> 廣州市 >> 龍觀德
男, 43
個人情況: 珠海市房地產裝修工程業私營企業主

緊急成度: 高
家庭地址: 廣州增城市
個人近況: 非法關押
立案日期: 2005-02-28
案例分類: 洗腦 拘留/綁架 監獄/判刑 毒打/體罰 抄家 家人/朋友被迫害 事業/學業被影響 受迫害程度:高
家庭成員: 夫妻/父母: 龍觀德 湛雪梅
交叉列在: 廣東 > 廣州 增城市
交叉列在: 廣東 > 珠海市

On the morning of September 23, 2007, the police arrested a Falun Gong practitioner couple, Mr. Long Guande and Ms. Zhan Xuemei. Officers from the Zhanjiang City Police Department, the Dongcheng Police Department in Dongguan, and the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Police Department jointly conducted the arrests. At the same time, the police searched and ransacked the couple&9s home. Presently, the practitioners&9 whereabouts are unknown.

Mr. Long Guande is well-known in Zhuhai City and owns a residential renovation business. In the past, he had accumulated quite a bit of wealth as a result of his hard work. However, his physical health was deteriorating. He had various illnesses, and he almost died from bronchitis. He always had to take medicine with him wherever he went.

In the spring of 1995, Mr. Long became a Falun Gong practitioner. During the first week of his cultivation, he went through a three-day test of life and death. From then on, all his illnesses disappeared, and he also had changed as a person. Not only did he have good health, but he had also changed into a person with high moral standards. He followed "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and strictly disciplined himself. He was very considerate of others and also eliminated his previous bad habits when doing business with others. He became rational and understanding, and was also able to persuade his wife to start cultivating.

Since Jiang Zemin&9s regime started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Mr. Long and Ms. Zhan Xuemei have been repeatedly arrested and taken to the local brainwashing center. They were also threatened and harassed frequently. They stayed firm in their belief and continued to clarify the facts about Falun Gong. Officials from the police department once issued a reward of 50,000 yuan for Mr. Long&9s arrest and used all kinds of means to try to arrest him. His residence in Zhuhai City was searched and ransacked numerous times, and his relatives were questioned and monitored as well. Furthermore, his relatives&9 residences were even searched, and the water and power supplies were cut off. His elderly parents and young children were also affected. The police tried everything so that there was no place left for them to hide.

For seven years, Mr. Long could not go home and was homeless and destitute. During this time, he successfully avoided arrest many times.

In August 2001, he escaped from the police. Ms. Zhan Xuemei&9s brother&9s phone was tapped. She and her brother communicated on the phone and arranged for him to go to the checkpoint at Shangchong (at the border of Zhuhai; Chinese people need a special permit to enter Zhuhai) to pick up Mr. Lon

关键字:  龙观德   房地产
