  • 【夜店GENE CLUB/GENE夜店/GENE公關】現場經理小新
  • 姓名:GENE CLUB現場經理小新
  • 城市:Taipei
  • 國家:Taiwan
  • 頻道瀏覽量:5620  文件數:4  被訂閱量:1
  • 頻道建立時間:2011-09-02
  • 介紹: 2011優質娛樂享受 每晚帶給您最佳選擇
    THE GENE CLUB, TAIPEI 每週三至週六與眾不同的派對饗宴!!

    冷調華麗內斂光采 突破格局嶄新風貌
    最性感舞群BABY GENE 最佳引爆聽覺的DJ團隊!!
    大型動態彩幕 LED聲控燈光 視覺與聽覺的全新組合
    時尚夜店熱情登場 GENE CLUB邀您一起共享最震撼的夜生活體驗!!

    GENE CLUB現場經理小新

    男士500 / 女士200
    男士700 / 女士400

    10 人包廂 2000
    12 人包廂 2500
    16 人包廂 3000
    V I P包廂 4000
    單點包廂 8000 (十人免費 入場免排隊 可抵扣消費)

    B1F., No.217, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Taipei
    (捷運南京東路站 往台北火車站方向)

    洽詢電話 0935-875-996 現場經理小新
    24小時線上服務MSN [email protected]
    活動詳情請參閱部落格 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/csi1244/
    Facebook活動資訊 https://www.facebook.com/pages/GENE-CLUB-TAIPEI/180806228...
    The best entertainments in 2011, the best choose for every evening.
    Every Wednesday to Saturday, the most different party just in THE GENE CLUB, TAIPEI.
    New style and features only in GENE CLUB!!
    Color screen & LED lights combine with sounds control system. The most sexy dancers "BABY GENE", the best DJ team shock your hearing!!
    Do you want to join us? Welcome come anytime and invite all of your friends. All new party events will give you the newest nightlife experience!!

    Event details & Reservations:
    0935-875-996, Ethan, manager of GENE CLUB.

    Male-NT$500 / Female-NT$200
    (every Wed. & Thu.)
    Male-NT$700 / Female-NT$400
    (every Fri. & Sat.)
    ★Birthday person is for free entrance.
    ★Top 120 female is for free in every evening.
    ★All you can drink and offer 30 different kinds of drinks.

    Table costs:
    S size-NT$2000 (for 8 person)
    M size-NT$2500 (for 12 person)
    L size-NT$3000 (for 16 person)
    VIP table-NT$4000 (for 20 person and offer a bottle of whiskey or vodka)

    B1F., No.217, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan

    RSVP:0935-875-996, Ethan
  • 網頁: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/csi1244/
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