
Coolangatta Sands Hotel in Coolangatta Coolangatta, Australia

<p> Coolangatta Sands Hotel is the first stop in Gold Coast, Queensland Australia. Quality accommodation and facilities that are secure, clean and aff…
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  • Created:2014-06-17
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Free live music venue in coolangatta - Coolangatta Sands Hotel

Welcome to the historic Coolangatta Sands Hotel. It is located in the heart of Coolangatta and only…More

0comment 739

Fresh and delicious meals

The Coolangatta Sands Hotel is known for its great value, fresh and delicious meals, family atmosphe…More

0comment 694

Coolangatta Sands Hotel in Coolangatta

Coolangatta Sands Hotel is the first stop in Gold Coast, Queensland Australia. Quality accommodation…More

0comment 692