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  • Created:2016-08-19
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ga346456923342753771101 攸攸言言

6 years ago
0comment 1619

ga346456923342753771101 攸攸言言

6 years ago
0comment 1829

ga346456923342753771101 攸攸言言

7 years ago

Matt Cab - Love Story

If I write the story, would be in with me?Fill the pages up with memories still to come.Let's write …More

8comment 5069

ga346456923342753771101 攸攸言言

7 years ago

Meaku - Promise

I dropped a tear in the oceanAnd I'll keep part of youTill the day you find it allThe moment I saw y…More

5comment 2342

ga346456923342753771101 攸攸言言

7 years ago

Siena Wu - Keep you in my heart

(Verse 1:)You can walk by and stare and tell me that you don’t careYou can say it's unfair and tell …More

3comment 3142