
allyzhang GuangZhou, China

<p> GuangZhou&nbsp;ManTong&nbsp;Electronic&nbsp;Technology&nbsp;Co.,&nbsp;Ltd.&nbsp;was&nbsp;founded&nbsp;in&nbsp;the&nbsp;year&nbsp;of&nbsp;2006.&nbs…
  • 頻道瀏覽量:1,139
  • 頻道建立時間:2014-12-16
  • 0 粉絲
  • 0 朋友
  • 7 上傳

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allyzhang allyzhang

10 年 前

Guangzhou Mantong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

If you have any problem, please let us know about it, We will try our best to provide the best servi…更多

0條留言 1272

allyzhang allyzhang

10 年 前

No Title

0條留言 488

allyzhang allyzhang

10 年 前

Video Games Cinema Simulator

You will get an unforgettable experience and a lot positive emotions. To satisfy  customers&nbs…更多

0條留言 1009

allyzhang allyzhang

10 年 前

Motion Rides 5D / 7D/9D/12D/XD Cinema Equipment

5D Cinema is a unique offer to fill the free time and ensure incredible entertainment for the whole …更多

0條留言 2738

allyzhang allyzhang

10 年 前

Cinema Type 7D best seller

"This was a really fun experience. A 5D movie feels like you are on a ride. You sit in your seat and…更多

0條留言 781