

加入 2015-05-08 04:44:23 | 類別: 新聞紀實


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Water is an invaluable resource and absolutely vital to life but oftentimes taken for granted.

Increasing populations will place growing demands on our nation’s aging water and wastewater infrastructure. It is now need of an hour to think about alternate sources of clean water rather than just depending on municipal water supply which is absolutely uncertain and unhealthy. By merely installing shower head with lesser flow rate or by reducing water consumption we are looking at short term solution. The time is demanding more. Get ready for “net positive,” and add water.

It is rightly said: “Life doesn’t do zero. We shouldn’t have as our end point some point that doesn’t do anything. We need to be regenerative and have a net positive affect on life,” said Jason McLennan, founder of the Living Building Challenge.

Water harvesting is no different than renewable energy– opportunities abound in your building to capture a free resource and turn it into an economical solution. The integration of “zero water” systems that emphasize water efficiency, and on-site supply, treatment and reuse is becoming increasingly important as communities seek to strengthen the resiliency of their water systems.

By capturing precipitation and treating wastewater produced on site, occupants of a household will close the loop of their water system, thus leading to water independence.

H2zerO is basically a standard that sets out to close the loop of a household’s water consumption. Commonly, most of the water consumption at home is for washing laundry, mopping, cleaning, bathing, toilet flushes, irrigation, etc. and the potable water is used to fulfill pretty much of all these. In places where there is no human contact, such as toilet flushes and sub-soil irrigation of non-edible crops, we do not need fresh, potable water. We can lightly treat greywater produced on site bybathtub/shower, washing machine, and bathroom sinkand return them back into the system for these types of uses.

Rainwater is the primary source of freshwater in many regions of the world and is the easiest to treat. The concept is that the rainwater that falls on-site is collected and stored, and all wastewater produced by the building or its occupants is treated and re-used. By this method alone we would be in a position to reduce our fresh water consumption by almost 50 – 75%.

