Together Again - Claire Kelly

Added 2022-03-31 21:01:01 | Length: 02:25 | Category: Songs

I’ll hold on tighter to you 我会更用力地拥抱你   When all this is through 当一切结束的时候   And till I hold tight onto you 直到我紧紧拥着你   we’ll just head down carry on, ‘cause what else can we do 我们只能闷头向前 因为除此之外 别无他法   But get through 只能熬过此时   And we’ll sing hallelujah 之后我们高唱“哈利路亚”   But what is that to ya right now 而现在这对你来说意味着什么呢   But let's talk in a way that can give us 但先让我们想个方法吧   Some faith to go around 给我们点转圜的信心   We’ll hold tight as we can 我们会勉力坚持   When it’s better again 直到一切再次明朗   And that will sustain me for now 光是这样想就能给我力量   I’ll hold on tighter to you, my friend 我会与你更紧的相拥 我的朋友   When we’re together again 当我们再次相逢   Together again 再次相聚   When we’re together again 当我们再次相聚   When we’re together again 我们终会相聚