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How to Create Non Slip Concrete Surfaces ?

Added 2016-10-17 04:19:37 | Category: Real-Life Story








介绍一下你分享的Slip Resistant Coatings- How to Create Non-Slip Concrete Surfaces

colored road pavement materials /cold asphalt colored layer

(1) Close the road , clean & dry the surface , tape the boundary

(2)First Mix A evenly for 30 seconds Second , pour B into A metal drum ,mix it evenly for 1 minutes (A: B =3:1 by weight)
Note : Need pour the mixed glue to the road surface immediately ( can’t not leave the mixed glue in the drum , because the mixed glue will cured and hard in small drum immediately )

Pour the glue on the surface and spread it evenly

(4) Spread aggregate excessively and evenly

(5) Remove the tape before glue fulling cured

(6) Collect excess aggregate after2 to 3 hours and open the road after the 24 hours

road safety surfacing making ,stone aggregate anti skid material ,High Friction Surfacing & Anti Skid Services manufacturer,durable skid resisting asphalt,Hard aggregates for antiskid road pavements,Slip Resistant Coatings,skid resistant, high friction surfacing with resin and calcined bauxite,Surface Material Of Road Pavement,A durable, high skid and slip resistant, pavement marking material , Anti Skid and Traffic Calming materials ,UV resistance anti skid road materials ,UV resistance anti skid road making ,road construction ,Colored pavement / colored asphalt overlay / road construction for asphalt color coating

If you want the details introduce , please contact us directly
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Keywords:  How   to   Create   Non   Slip   Concrete   Surfaces
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