
嘴哥乐团-Beautiful Day【偶像剧《我的鬼基友》OST】

加入 2015-09-04 11:25:53 | 长度: 4分17秒 | 类别: 歌曲
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It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

出門就是下雨天 雨傘晾在家裡面

手機忘記要充電 加油少帶幾塊錢

不用運氣太多 不用想要的都拿走

其實生命長久 美好的事情一件就足夠

也許這不會結束 悲劇這樣重複

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

Beautiful day, beautiful tonight

也許就在不遠處 留下我的腳步

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

Beautiful oh, it's beautiful

選擇不是兩三天 屬於自已的冒險

走在期待的邊緣 太多無奈都難免

不用運氣太多 不用想要的全部都拿走

其實生命長久 美好的事情一件就足夠

也許這不會結束 悲劇這樣重複

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

Beautiful day, beautiful tonight

也許就在不遠處 留下我的腳步

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

Beautiful oh, it's beautiful

It's beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

It's a beautiful day

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

美好的事情像這樣就足夠 悲劇這樣重複

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

Beautiful oh, it's beautiful

也許就在不遠處 留下我的腳步

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

Beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

也許這不會結束 悲劇這樣重複

(也許哪天結束 也許今天結束)

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

Beautiful day, beautiful day tonight

也許這不是結束 每次都會迷路

(也許哪天結束 也許)

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day


So beautiful, so beautiful to life, so beautiful

It's a beautiful, beautiful day to die